Best books of 2020: Q4

2020 just flew by, didn’t it? An unprecedented year that will go down in the history books. Personally, despite circuit breaker and the enforced time spent at home, I actually read fewer books than previous years: 28, my lowest yet since the last decade >.<

Anyway, 3 great books this quarter! In order of completion:

  1. The Cross Before Me: Reimagining the Way to the Good Life, by Rankin Wilbourne & Brian Gregor
  2. Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth, by Richard Foster
  3. God’s Gardeners: Creation Care Stories from Singapore and Malaysia, edited by Melissa Ong and Prarthini M. Selveindran
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10 Helpful Christian Apps/ Sites

It’s almost the end of 2020!! I’ll be posting on my fav books in this last quarter soon, but I wanted to touch on this topic first. It’s something I’ve been wanting to write for awhile, just to consolidate and share some apps that I’ve found helpful in my journey. Here goes! 🙂

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